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Let’s talk about "shopping" for today’s eco tip.⁣

Excessive shopping can impact the environment terriblly. Countless products are manufactured and discarded after being used for just a few years or even months. These items may exist longer than your lifetime. We must be more cautious in choosing what to buy.⁣

First clarify WHY do you want to buy things other than necessities?⁣

💡Because of boredom / bad mood⁣
⁣💡Because some of your favorite celebrities own a certain item, you think if we have the same item, you can live their lives⁣
⁣💡Want to show social status⁣
⁣💡Reward yourself⁣
⁣💡Because everyone has it⁣

We are all human beings, a shiny new item can give you a feeling of excitement, which can last for a few hours, maybe a few days, but soon you will get bored with it, and then you need something new again to fill the void.⁣

The way to break the loop is to pursue a higher level of life purposes.⁣

Stay calm while shopping, build stronger self-esteem, walk into nature are great ways to reduce material desire. In the book "A Life Less Throwaway: The Lost Art of Buying for Life", says that if you don't have time to visit nature, it’s also great to watch nature documentaries.⁣

When you feel fulfilled and grateful, you don’t need more material things to fill your heart.⁣


🌾Go to http://drawingearthaction.com for more eco tips!⁣









Amelia 春語⁣

推薦書單 《精準購買:比「斷捨離」更極簡、永續的究極之道》⁣
和一些插畫家參與了#drawingearthaction 活動,謝謝插畫家 Cinyee 的邀請。⁣
可以到 http://drawingearthaction.com 看更多地球永續插畫。⁣⁣

::  Amelia Nery  ::

Instagram @adozenonions

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